Mary Blye Kramer is the author of A Baptist Among the Jews, published by Jossey-Bass, and Sitting With Sufis, published by Paraclete Press. Awards include Best Book of the Year from Spirituality and Health magazine, the Dallas Morning New’s Editor’s Choice Award, Starred Review with Publisher’s Weekly, and Book of the Month with Omega Publishing. Mary’s books were both published under a former married name, Mary Blye Howe.

The author of more than 100 articles for various periodicals, Mary writes on travel, history, nature, spirituality, writing, animals, and many other topics. Mary has had articles published in The Chicago Tribune, AAA Going Places, Texas Highways, American Heritage, Entrepreneur, Mars Hill Review, and many others. She is a former columnist for




Mary holds a degree in philosophy and anthropology from the University of Texas at Arlington, where she was awarded the status of summa cum laude.

After four years in the ALEPH Rabbinic Program and an additional year with the Rabbinical Seminary International, Mary received private smicha (ordination) as a rabbi.

Mary is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors and several memoir and writing associations.
